How to use a notebook as a second monitor

usar notebook como segundo monitor

Many of us have old or underused notebooks, but did you know there's a clever way to give these devices a new lease of life? Turning your notebook into a second monitor is not only a sustainable solution, but it can also mean a significant increase in your computing efficiency. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore all the steps and benefits of using a laptop as a second monitor.

Using a Laptop as a Second Monitor: A Step-by-Step Guide

Connecting with HDMI Cable or DisplayPort

Transform your notebook on a second monitor using a cable is one of the simplest and most effective ways. Follow these steps:

  1. Connect the Cable: Use a cable HDMI or DisplayPort to connect your notebook to the main computer.
  2. Quick Setup: Press Windows + P keys on the main computer.
  3. Extend the Screen: Select the “Extend” option to enjoy the second screen functionality.

Applications: Spacedesk and Duet Display

If the wired option isn't viable, apps like Spacedesk and Duet Display offer a wireless solution. See how:

  1. Install the Application: On both your notebook and main computer.
  2. Simple Setup: Open the app on both devices and select the connection.
  3. Enjoy Mobility: Enjoy freedom of movement without losing second screen quality.

Benefits of Using a Notebook as a Second Monitor

Increased productivity

Working efficiently is key these days. With a second screen, you can:

  • Open documents and presentations simultaneously.
  • Watch videos while performing other tasks.
  • Make multitasking easier for greater productivity.

como usar outro notebook como segunda tela

More Space to Work

Whether for editing photos, videos or games, a second screen provides:

  • Greater visual space.
  • More comfortable environment for tasks that require attention to detail.
  • Flexibility to organize and customize your desktop.

Better Viewing Experience

Enjoy an enhanced viewing experience:

  • See more content at once.
  • Ideal for comparing documents side by side.
  • Gain efficiency in research and analysis.


Is using a notebook as a second monitor compatible with all operating systems?

Yes, most operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, support setting up a notebook as a second monitor.

Can I use an old notebook for this setup?

Yes, any notebook with the necessary connection ports, such as HDMI or DisplayPort, can be used as a second monitor.

Is it possible to use the notebook's touchscreen function as a second monitor?

It depends on the application or connection method. Some apps allow touchscreen functionality, while others may not support it.

Will the image quality be the same on both screens?

Yes, when using HDMI or DisplayPort cables, image quality is maintained. For wireless connections, quality may vary based on the network and distance between devices.

What are the environmental benefits of turning a notebook into a second monitor?

Reusing electronic devices contributes to sustainable practices, reducing the disposal of electronic equipment.

Are there limitations when using a notebook as a second monitor?

Some applications may not support second screen functionality, and wireless connection quality may be affected by network interference.


Using a notebook as a second monitor is more than a practical solution; It's a smart way to optimize your workspace. Whether to increase productivity, gain more space or improve the visual experience, this configuration offers a series of benefits. Try transforming your notebook into a powerful tool and make your work environment more efficient.

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